Portable pH and Conductivity Meter

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Portable pH and Conductivity Meter MPPCM-1A

pH mode
pH measurement range (-2.000) to 20.000 pH
pH accuracy ± 0.002 pH
pH calibration points 1 - 5 points
pH calibration solutions USA, NIST, DIN or user defined
ORP measurement
ORP measurement range -1999.9 to 1999.9 mV
ORP accuracy ±0.2 mV
ORP calibration points 1 point
ORP calibration solutions mV & relative mV
Conductivity measurement
Conductivity measurement range 0 - 20.00, 200.0, 2000 µS / cm, 20.00, 200.2 mS / cm
Conductivity accuracy ± 0.5 % F.S.
Conductivity calibration points 1 - 5 points
Conductivity calibration solutions 10 µS / cm, 84 µS / cm, 1413 µS / cm, 12.88mS / cm, 111.8mS / cm
Temperature coefficient 0.0 to 10.0 % / °C
Compensation modes Linear or pre water
Cell constant K = 0.1, 1, 10 or user-defined
Normalization temperature 20 °C or 25 °C
TDS measurement
TDS range 0-100 ppt. (max. 200 ppt., depending on factor setting)
TDS accuracy ± 1 % F.S.
TDS factor 0.1 - 1.0 (default 0.5)