Dual Action Shaker MDAS-1B is a bench top shaker featuring dual-shaking modes for flasks up to 6 L and a work load from 12 kg. Orbital and reciprocating mode with wide speed range from 10 rpm to 300 rpm enables gentle to vigorous mixing of large number of samples. Steady start / stop feature enables anti-spill parameter from flasks and tubes.
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Speed range
10 rpm ~ 300 rpm
Maximum load Capacity
12 kg
Platform ( W × D )
450 × 450 mm
70 W
± 1 rpm
Amplitude size
20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm
Standard 30 mm
Run time
10 sec to 999 hour
Forward and Backward
Pause : 10 sec to 59 min 59 sec
29 kg
Dual-action shaking motion––select either orbital or reciprocating
Display and control: TFT Digital Display or On -Touch Control
Smooth start / stop function helps prevent spills from flasks or tubes
If unbalanced workload is detected there’s automatic shaking speed adjustment
Used for bacterial cultures, fermentation, hybridization, biochemical reactions, enzyme or tissue research